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School of Dentistry
Alumni Information


Are you interested in serving as a class representative for an upcoming reunion, alumni board member, or as an alumni panelist for a student event? The Office of Alumni Engagement has a number of volunteer opportunities that will enable you to share your knowledge and experience for the betterment of our community.

Volunteer Here

School of Dentistry

Get the news and information you need about the School of Dentistry by visiting their website.

School of Dentistry Website


Guardian Society Logo

Join the Guardian Society by giving annually to the unrestricted fund for your school.

These funds will be used at the discretion of the dean to meet the schools greatest needs.

Join Here
UMMC Catalyst Logo

UMMC Catalyst is a peer-to-peer fundraising platform. To create a personal fundraiser for an existing UMMC campaign you are passionate about, please visit this page.

To submit a proposal for a new Catalyst project, please fill out this form.


Visit the Office of Development website to learn about other ways to give.

Make a donation online to help support our goal of creating a healthier Mississippi.

Donate Online